tomoyuki takano: Vo,Gt,Ba,Dr
yoichiro tanaka:Gt
rural district/ルーラル ディストリクト
そこに大学の後輩でもある島根県在住のnaoya nakajimaがギターで加わり、遠距離宅録ユニットとして動き出す。
2016年4月にファーストEP"dream dream dream"を発売。
2018年4月 naoya nakajima脱退。
2018年4月 yoichiro tanaka加入。
Tomoyuki Takano: Vo, Gt, Ba, Dr
Yoichiro Tanaka: Gt
Rural District/Rural District
In the corner of Oita Prefecture in 2016, Takano started to work as a home record solo.
The Naoya Nakajima of Shimane Prefecture which is a junior of the university is joined by the guitar, and it begins to move as a long-distance home recording unit.
First ep "Dream Dream dream" was launched in April 2016.
April 2018, Naoya Nakajima secession.
April, 2018 Yoichiro Tanaka.
Creating noise music carefree. Online activities are the main.