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Gu,Vo Nagano Keito
Gu Hourai Katsushi
Bs Inoue Shun
Dr Murata Kengo
これまでにDeerhoof、Sebadoh、 SSLYBY、Nadjaといった海外のバンドの前座を務める等、福岡のシーンでは既に地位を確立し、最近では熊本のtalkのフロントマンKensei Ogataのバックバンドを務めている。
a young four-man rock band kengo2010 in their early 20s, which was formed in the northern Kyushu Kita-abyssal.
All the people who watched the masterpiece live performance by roaring sound that passed through the hardcore twinkle.
He has already established a position in the Fukuoka scene, such as Deerhoof, Sebadoh, Sslyby, Nadja, and other overseas bands, and recently the front man of the talk of Kumamoto Ogata's served as a back band.
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