plant cell(プラントセル)
Masaki Sato : Vocal&Guitar
Hitomi : 5th Strings bass
Okada : 6th Strings baritone guitar
Nao : 4th Strings piccolo bass
Eriko : Vocal&Guitar
Sino : Drums
2018年10月にコンピレーション「Total Feedback 2018」に参加。同月には、cruyff in the bedroom、LUCY'S DRIVEと共に台湾公演を成功させる。2018年10月より6人編成となり現在高円寺HIGH、池袋手刀を中心に活動中。
plant cell is… plant cell was started in 2015 by Sato(Vocal&Guitar) 「Like a Landscapepainting」 with an emphasis on plants, flowers, and natural imagery, our music hopes to bring these images to mind.
in 2016… originally Sato led the home recordings for plant cell. Hoping to move to live performance he enlisted Eriko (Gu&Vo), Nao (PB), and Sino (Dr) who have helped make the band what it is today. Starting with an energetic performance at Ueno Oto Yokocho in January, they moved onto Shoegazer events such as Total Feedback, Kyoto SHOEGAZER/NOISY POP, and Chiba SHOEGAZER. Performing a total of 23 times in 2016, they ended 2016 with a final performance on Christmas at Koenji Total Feedback. In April they announced the release of [i] x Plant Cell Split Album by the online label Gerpfast Kolektif .
With the opening of a soundcloud account, their signature songs「marguerite」and「Landscape of greenlakeside」 reached over 1000 plays.
「conifer」and 「thundercloud」 also steadily rose to over 1000 plays. Thank you!